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GEOFIX NYA WEBBSHOP ÄR HÄR - klicka här för att få information om hur du som redan är Geofix kund kommer åt ditt webbkonto
GEOFIX NYA WEBBSHOP ÄR HÄR - klicka här för att få information om hur du som redan är Geofix kund kommer åt ditt webbkonto

Drones and Robots

Products for airborne and ground measurements.

UAV means ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ) Commonly known as a drone is an aircraft (aircraft) without any human pilot, crew or passengers on board.

UAS means ( Unmanned Aircraft System ) The term UAS encompasses not only the UAV, but also the person or team on the ground controlling the flight, as well as the system connecting the two (GPS, ground control, transmission system, cameras, software, etc).

UGV stands for ( Unmanned Ground Vehicle ) and is a vehicle that can be driven without a driver. There are two types of driverless ground vehicles, those that can be remotely controlled and those that are autonomous.

USV stands for ( Uncrewed Surface Vessels ). An unmanned surface vehicle (USV), also known as a drone boat, drone ship or sea drone, is a boat or ship that operates on the surface of the water without a crew. USVs operate with varying levels of autonomy, from remote control to fully autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs).

ROV stands for Remotely Operated Vehicle , an unmanned underwater robot that is connected to a ship by a series of cables. These cables transmit command and control signals between the operator and the ROV, allowing the vehicle to be navigated remotely.


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