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GEOFIX NYA WEBBSHOP ÄR HÄR - klicka här för att få information om hur du som redan är Geofix kund kommer åt ditt webbkonto
GEOFIX NYA WEBBSHOP ÄR HÄR - klicka här för att få information om hur du som redan är Geofix kund kommer åt ditt webbkonto

Senseive Flatmesh Optical Displacement Sensor Node


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FlatMesh Optical Displacement Sensor Node

The FlatMesh Optical Displacement Sensor Node is an instrument that uses optical means to take high-precision displacement measurements and transmits these through Senceive's wireless FlatMesh communication.
network to a FlatMesh Gateway. It can also be combined with Senceive's world-leading triaxial tilt sensor to get
High-precision slope measurements linked to an external reference.

Successfully applied in many applications, including these measurements:
• Convergence/divergence for Tunnel/Arch intrados or bridge distances
• Vertical movements for structural settlement/heaval
• Lateral movements such as track turning
• Earthworks and embankment movements
