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GEOFIX NYA WEBBSHOP ÄR HÄR - klicka här för att få information om hur du som redan är Geofix kund kommer åt ditt webbkonto
GEOFIX NYA WEBBSHOP ÄR HÄR - klicka här för att få information om hur du som redan är Geofix kund kommer åt ditt webbkonto

Date marker under plastering RS21

Original price €3,95 - Original price €3,95
Original price
€3,95 - €3,95
Current price €3,95

För att permanent säkerställa att de mätningar som mäts är markerade säkert tills efter putsbruk applicerats

Standard shipping

Approximately 7-10 days delivery time

Date marker under plaster RS21, Red, Self-adhesive

  • To permanently ensure that the measurements taken are marked securely until after plaster has been applied
  • To ensure heights and finished floor level (FFL) are securely marked until after render has been applied
  • To ensure that shoulders are properly marked until after plaster has been applied
  • The three "sticks" act as markers even after plaster has been applied
  • In the middle of the three "pins" there is a hole for a nail
  • The "pins" can be easily removed with a pair of wire cutters at the end of the work
  • The date marker remains under the plaster as evidence
  • Perfect for marking on round pillars
    • Before mounting on pillars, use a utility knife to cut the plastic marker approximately four times at one centimeter intervals. The marker can then be easily attached to pillars with a small diameter.

Sökord: Datummarkör under putsbruk RS21, Röd, Självhäftande, Rothbucher Systeme