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GEOFIX NYA WEBBSHOP ÄR HÄR - klicka här för att få information om hur du som redan är Geofix kund kommer åt ditt webbkonto
GEOFIX NYA WEBBSHOP ÄR HÄR - klicka här för att få information om hur du som redan är Geofix kund kommer åt ditt webbkonto

Rental conditions

Rental conditions

Customers who rent or borrow instruments from Geofix AB must have the competence required to use the equipment. Geofix is ​​not responsible for any faults or damage that occurs to the customer's or other people's property in connection with the rental or loan of equipment.

Rental costs
Start-up fee: 5 days x the daily price of the rental equipment. This is the minimum number of rental days that the customer is charged even if the rental equipment is rented for a shorter period of time (1-4 days). From the 6th day onwards, the rental cost is the daily price of the rental equipment, until the equipment has been returned to one of our rental depots. The rental customer also pays rent during the time that the measuring equipment is transported to and from their company. The last rental day is when the rental equipment is returned from the rental customer to our rental depot.

Shipping cost and rental times
The equipment can be rented by corporate customers throughout Sweden. We ship with DHL shipping company. The round-trip shipping cost is paid by the rental customer.

Return of rental equipment
The equipment must be returned in the same condition as when it was delivered. Use the same protective packaging in which the equipment was transported. In the event of damage or loss of parts in rental equipment, loan equipment, the rental customer/loan customer will be charged the cost of repairing or replacing the missing part. Upon return, Geofix will inspect the equipment. Deviations are reported to the customer who will then be invoiced for repairs and all other measures needed to restore the rental object/loan object to its original condition.

We always recommend that the rental customer/borrower read our complete rental terms and conditions in their entirety and understand the meaning of the rules that apply to our rental operations and lending.

Complete rental and loan terms