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Rothbucher RS Systems
It all started in 1997 with Smart Datum Markers which have now sold in the millions.
Foremen, site managers and architects used to complain about problems with surveyed levels. Georg Rothbucher developed the markers in close collaboration with them.
Over the years, again in close collaboration with site managers, architects and surveyors, a comprehensive concept was developed for all survey points on site.
The patented survey markers make the work of all these people much easier. Common sources of error are prevented and all survey points are protected and permanently recorded. Great value is placed on the precision of the measuring instruments when measuring. But what good are the best measuring instruments if the measuring points cannot be clearly assigned? In some cases, it is still possible to find pencil lines, nails and other unidentifiable marks on walls. These methods are completely outdated. With RS Smart Datum Markers and Smart Targets, the precision of the measuring instruments is transferred to the wall, the measuring points are permanently recorded and all survey markers can be used for 3-dimensional monitoring. A new standard has been created in the field of land surveying. All measuring points represent clear, permanent and unmistakable records on construction sites of all kinds.
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Flight signal 35x35cm Cross with two sides
Flight signal 35x35cm Cross with two sides This flight support has two different sides so that measurement can be optimized depending on the ...
View full detailsSmart Target RSAK130 Angle with 2 reflectors
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